Peeling back the layers

We were without heat on the main floor for a bit this month. The old steam boiler had been removed, and the new high-velocity system wasn’t yet up and running.

Our team had to do some demo on the lower level to remove the old steam pipes and install the new high-velocity trunks and runs. High-velocity heating and cooling was installed on the lower level with two air handlers, one for the the lower level and another for the first floor.

In the original “dining room” on the lower level, there was an elaborate system of soffits built to hide the old steam pipes that gave the illusion of a tray ceiling. All were covered in knotty pine boards giving it a rustic-meets-refined look.

I wish I had taken a better “before” photo. You’ll just have to use your imagination a bit here….

The first photo above shows that the knotty pine paneling on the walls was — remarkably — installed OVER knotty pine wallpaper! It’s going to take us some time before we refinish the lower level, but when we do, I’m going to save some of the knotty pine wallpaper and frame it.

The other photos show the various stages of it’s-got-to-get-worse-before-it-gets-better of any renovation or restoration project.

Since this is the month for giving thanks, we definitely said a prayer of thanksgiving for heat and for our amazing team!


More porch progress


Out with the old steam boiler